Fire Liken
I’ve been working in this technique for the better part of two decades. It’s fun. Fast and Expressive like Drumming and Dancing.
I Could Remember. Celestial Set 2020. acrylic on panel. 33" x 42" Private Collection.
Ascension. 2014. acrylic on canvas. 33" x 210"
The Laugh. 2010. 33" x 43" acrylic on canvas with oak frame. Private Collection
I Should LIke to Lie at Your Feet and Die in Your Arms. Celestial Set 2020. acrylic on panel. 33" x 42" Private Collection.
Let Us Read and Let Us Dance. Celestial Set 2020. acrylic on panel. 33" x 42" Private Collection.
Alive. 2019. acrylic on canvas. 30" x 40"
Who Flutters for a Day. Celestial Set 2020. acrylic on panel. 33" x 42" Private Collection.
The Distance. 2011. 36" x 36" acrylic on satin. destroyed.
I Feel Once More the Scars of the Old Flame. 2012. 120" x 50" acrylic on canvas. Private Collection
Magellan. 2009. 33" x 43" acrylic on canvas with oak frame. Private Collection
Basically Everyone Right Now. Celestial Set 2020. acrylic on panel. 33" x 42"
That Guy Was an Asshole. 2013. 60" x 54" acrylic on canvas
Baby Bird. 2011. 30" x 40" acrylic on satin.
Dragon. 2009. 33" x 43" acrylic on canvas with oak frame. Private Collection
But to Return and View the Cheerful Skies. Celestial Set 2020. acrylic on panel. 33" x 42" Private Collection.
Heaven Beside Me. 2007. 36" x 48" acrylic on canvas. Private Collection
That's Why the Storm is There. Celestial Set 2020. acrylic on panel. 33" x 42" Private Collection.
Narcissus. 2009. 33" x 43" acrylic on canvas with oak frame. Private Collection
The Vastness is Bearable Only Through Love. Celestial Set 2020. acrylic on panel. 33" x 42" Private Collection.
The Wide Yawning Infinity. Celestial Set 2020. acrylic on panel. 33" x 42" Private Collection.
Afire. 2019. acrylic on canvas. 30" x 40"
Celeste I and II. 2019. acrylic on canvas. 12" x 30" each
Fill My Mouth with Butterflies. 2011. 30" x 40" acrylic on canvas. Private Collection
Of Many. 2009. 33" x 43" acrylic on canvas with oak frame. Private Collection