Mostly relationships.
The Ghosts are all painted on a rough-textured acrylic base layer. The silver paint is difficult to photograph without glare, but they kind of glow on the walls and have a strong presence in low light.
In 2017, I destroyed a lot of these. Ripped them to shreds, built an effigy with the pieces, and burned it with a propane torch. My primary abuser’s face, from Meconnaissance, right in the center. I savor the memory of watching the paint start to bubble and the edges of the canvas curl in and start to burn.
The most poignant shreds were saved and became I, the Other, which was shown at a #mymetoo gallery show with a statement on the sexual violence I experienced from two of the men in the paintings.
Occuities. 2014. acrylic and simulacra on canvas, steel. 40" x 55"
Zoetrope. 2022. Acrylic on Canvas. 36" x 36"
prep for I, the Other
I, the Other. 2018. acrylic on canvas, steel. 36" x 30"
Embrace Me. 2007. acrylic on canvas. 30" x 48" Private Collection
Meconnaissance. 2009. acrylic on canvas. 48" x 24" destroyed
Echolalia. 2010. acrylic on canvas, steel. 30" x 36" Private Collection
Three Quarter Turn. 2008. acrylic on canvas, steel. 36" x 48" destroyed
The Poet. 2010. acrylic on canvas, steel, iron. 50" x 24" Private Collection
The Spaces in Between. 2009. acrylic on canvas, steel. 36" x 20"
Flight. 2010. acrylic on canvas. 12" x 30"
Aphasia. 2011. 10" x 24" acrylic on canvas. destroyed
Babies or The Elephant on My Stomach
Done for a 30 paintings in 30 days challenge that showed at the Tashiro-Kaplan artists lofts in Seattle in 2010.
trigger warning - these can be really intense if you’re a woman.
Step 1: Stop taking the 5-htp supplement that had finally leveled out boosting my seratonin
Step 2: Buy a handle of Jameson
Step 3: Paint out all the body image issues I had from growing up an overweight child in a shitty, image focused society. Start taking 5-htp again around day 20.
Step 3.5: Host a private showing where multiple women break down in tears
Step 4: Put them in a show with 29 other artists’ work, who mostly painted leaves and snowmen vomiting Christmas ornaments
Step 5: Inadvertently hurt thousands of people in one go
Step 6: Never, ever do it again